Finding Hope When You Feel Hopeless

Scrolling through Facebook you see photos of people out and about, enjoying their seemingly care-free lives. Meanwhile, you are on your couch (again), as it seems impossible to get up to even let the dog out. “What is wrong with me?” you think to yourself. How are so many people out, living their best lives? Meanwhile, you feel paralyzed by stress, anxiety, and the weight of the world holding you down.
Social media can be deceiving. While people seem to be living a care-free existence, the truth is they are most likely suffering in silence. Putting on a brave face because they have the same inner dialogue running through thoughts– and they want to put forth an image to the world that they are ok and they are not struggling.
What does this mean? You are not alone. You are in good company. COVID-19 changed so much for so many of us in so many ways. We weren’t prepared for our lives to completely change over night. And beyond a worldwide pandemic adding to the regular stressors of life, as we head into the shortest days of the year with minimal sunlight, many are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression brought on by the changing seasons. But, not all hope is lost. Here are some tips for finding hope when it seems impossible:
Shift your perspective.
Don’t hold on to what you think “living your best life” looks like. Conduct a self-evaluation of what truly makes you happy and try to incorporate that into your every day life. Enjoy Hallmark holiday movies? Binge watch away! Order in your favorite take-out! Don’t think of staying in as not living your life, but enjoy the things that bring you the most joy.
Get offline and Create a Restorative Plan
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Stop comparing someone’s online life to your real life. I suggest taking time away from social media. You don’t have to give it up completely, but maybe limit the time you spend online. And when you are scrolling, try to remember that you don’t know the whole story. We have all smiled for the camera, even when we didn’t feel that way on the inside. Try to remember that others do that too.
Instead of being on Social Media, I encourage you to create a Restorative Plan. Begin by conducting a self evaluation of the things in your life that you enjoy doing but you seem to never have time to do. Do you like to bake? Instead of scrolling Instagram, bake cookies. Is there an instrument you have always wanted to play? Find some YouTube tutorials and teach yourself! Once you put away the social media applications, you will find you have more time for the things you love and you will begin to feel restored.
Acts of Kindness.
I find that nothings boosts my mood more than doing something for someone else. And it doesn’t need to be something big. Send a text to someone to let them know you are thinking about them. Write a card and send it via snail mail. Online shop for someone else and surprise them with a “just because” delivery. Those cookies you baked in your restorative plan? Deliver them to a neighbor.
You have to start giving first and expect absolutely nothing – Dalai Lama
Don’t think of it as “working out.” Moving your body doesn’t have to be complicated, sweaty, or time consuming. A simple walk outside for some fresh air. Taking a drive to get your take-out instead of having it delivered. Standing up and doing a quick stretch. Physical movement boost serotonin which boost your mood!
When you start to feel as though you are the only one struggling and asking yourself why you just can’t shake it off, remember that you are not alone. The whole world has changed in the past two years. COVID came in and shook everything to it’s core. Life is just not the same anymore – and neither are you. And – THAT IS OK. Even more than ok, that is normal.
Ask How Acupuncture Can Help You Today
Deb and her staff at Earley Wellness are committed to your mental health and overall wellbeing. If you are feeling like you need extra support to feel less isolated, try acupuncture from Earley Wellness Group. We are here for you every step of the way.
Contact Earley Wellness today to schedule an appointment and relieve some of the emotional and physical symptoms you’ve been dealing with.