Important Treatment Schedule Update

Dear Clients and Colleagues,
In light of the ever-changing circumstances presented by the Coronavirus, Earley Wellness Group will be suspending in-person acupuncture visits and will close the office beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020. We are committed to the health and safety of Earley Wellness Group clients and believe this is the best decision all around.
Due to the rapidly changing nature of this virus and its impact on our community, we believe it is our personal and professional responsibility to help decrease transmission — or at least help mitigate its spread. We plan to take this week-by-week and will continue to send virtual updates. We are discussing ways to promote care through telehealth services and will keep you continuously updated.
We are committed to supporting your health and well-being during this challenging time and will continue to provide care to current patients in the following ways.
- First, we invite you to call us with any health and wellness questions. We can speak by phone, text, email or video chat, as we adapt to this evolving situation.
- Second, we can support you with herbs. Your practitioner will work with you to determine needs and treatment plans.
- Third, we are developing ways to continue to support you through these uncharted waters.
Perhaps the most important thing all of us can do right now is to create routines that focus on the basics. These go beyond precautionary measures, such as physical separation and hand washing.
To keep our immune systems healthy, we can:
- Get plenty of sleep and exercise
- Eat plenty of nutritious food
- Drink plenty of water
- Regulate the intake of sugar, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine
- Practice stress management
- Stay connected virtually with people who are important
- Spend time in nature, when possible.
It’s time to build a routine around the basics.
If you are like us, you may be feeling a sense of disorientation or perhaps even loss…The classics of Chinese medicine tell us that, just as the seasons change, it’s natural to feel grief in a time of loss. Consider taking time to grieve what is being — or has been— lost. Take time to make room for what will come.
When the time is right, we will let you know when we will return to the office. In the meantime, take good care of your self and let your primary practitioner know if we can be helpful in any way.
In closing, we offer the Buddhist prayer of loving-kindness:
May we be filled with loving-kindness.
May we be well.
May we be peaceful and at ease.
May we be happy.
Warm regards,
Deb, Jim, and Shawna
Here’s how to be in touch with us:
Deb Earley (All General questions please contact Deb Earley)
Jim Pastore
Shawna Snyder